Monday, March 23, 2015

A return to personal journaling

There is no amount of time and writing to be done to catch up here. But there is a great relief in the process. Today I feel like I wish it would rain for days and days, the sky turn grey and that I could give myself an excuse to cancel everything in my life. That I could have an introspective repose of the day to day. That I could paint swirling landscapes of the Everglades, and watch the clouds roll in like ocean waves and witness the incredible lightening show over this swampy land.

That the wind would blow the encroaching heat of summer a little further away, making the cane grass sway and dance with a great rustling sound.

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Thursday, October 10, 2013

Average Post: Once a year

Writing for a personal blog has seemed to be frivolous and time not well spent these days. The organization I founded to bring environmental education to the public through contemporary art is growing at an unbelievable speed. Last year we took a vacant piece of land in the middle of Midtown Miami and turned it into a Sustainable Land Lab. The Lab hosted events, art, workshops, and was home to some pretty bad-ass gardens. We (I) grew about 350 tomatoes with about 13 varieties. In addition kale, salads and greens galore, carrots, herbs from cilantro to patchouli and other veggies. we had about 1500 mangos, 40 papayas, 20 hands of bananas and they are still coming. I can't express the satisfaction of feeding your family and others' by growing everything yourself. We got pretty creative with the excess, I kimchi-ed about everything I could, even Thai Eggplants.

Now the Midtown project is at its end, we still have a pumpkin patch fruiting, luffas and a rogue Moon and Stars watermelon. Would be nice to wait another 8 weeks to let these plants finish and yield, but money waits. Commissioner Edmondson of District 3, was super supportive to push for us to acquire land in Wynwood/Edgewater area to build our Colony1 project. We just have to go through the paperwork now.

In the meantime, the seasons are my favorite time to work with the children. I can feel the fall in the air, the tilting of the sun light eases my mind. Its as though the intensity of the sun has finally calmed and we can ground ourselves.

Check out our Colony1 project at

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Monday, April 1, 2013

Midtown 34th Street

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Midtown 34th Street

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