Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Between mind and space, bus living is it's own spiritual philosophy, a zen is required, a constant alertness, awareness of the present. Every action reveals your mental and emotional state due to a decrease in space. Once everything seems in order, the flux begins again, a world of chaos, a world of serenity, a world simply consumed by activity leaves one inattentive to either state of bring and one simply emerges out on one side or the other.

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Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Year

Started the New Year without a hangover, like so many people. Enjoyed a brilliant evening bay side, 180 degree view of city fireworks, champagne, Chanel finger tips, vintage flesh and lace dress and my children running, laughing and fire-working with our friends.

The celestial lights twinkled a slight reminder that the heavens are far more outstanding then anything man can produce.

The sub rose as well as sleepy little children and we caressed each other with happiness and love, that we exist and are able to spend our time together.

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