In a recent reading of J.D Ballard I was compelled to research secret space experiments on the internet. I came across this video footage from an Apollo expedition and a large amount of material regarding a seen UFO. I have no doubt in my mind about the existence of alien beings. Perhaps not the cliché of Hollywood, but for sure, we are just a Petri dish amongst a vaster then comprehensively possible space.
Our wars with each other and our technology to dominant pales in comparison to the things going on outside of this bubble, and perhaps if we concluded our primitive games with each other and invested the time and technology we could have better understanding of ourselves in the context of a greater reality. Perhaps we could even begin to understand the mythologies past from generations of migrating animals, such as dolphins and whales. They might be able to give us clues to answering mysterious questions. Maybe not directly, but perhaps in the secrets of their behavior and the psychology in their reasons, it is up to us to decipher and conclude. Then to re-decipher and re-conclude until it works.
But this civilization does not welcome change, even if it is for the better. It seems people want more of the same, but more of it, harder and more concentrated. More technology, more TV, more Movies, more flights, more stuff. They want to sit in their faux stucco homes and navigate the world from TV, computer, phone. They want to fly to foreign countries and eat McDonalds, Starbucks or a postmodern impression of what they think authentic Greek or Moroccan is. A safety, a tourists production. Perhaps the reality of people living so differently from the Western ideal is too much for them, maybe it would shatter their illusions. It would force them to realize that they can not protect their children or themselves and that is the greatest fear, and this modern Capitalist society uses this as their main weapon. They use the love we have for each other as a device to sell us things. They use the love we have for each other to make us fear our neighbors and fellow man. They use a Tourist package to guarantee our safety, hotel with restaurant, pool, English speaking locals ready to be tipped. They use the headline story of bombers, killers, car accidents to make us fear each other so we do not unite and speak for ourselves collectively. To say: I DO NOT AGREE TO BE POLICED. I do not agree to be afraid, I do not agree to be sold to incessantly. I do not agree to eating chemicals, I do not agree to have my child taught a government issued curriculum in school. Not only do I not agree but WE, the community, this country, let everyone know, we do not agree to this government.
Structuralize, deconstructuralize, metaphor, philosophize, these things hinder. One can get so caught up into the theory of action that no action takes place at all. You become an anthropologist, not a participant. We just all sit back and watch the world go to pieces and we suffer the results.
And myself? Planning escape and participation, very soon.

Here is a short video that contains the Apollo footage: