Time is relative and for our intelligence, it results in seeing nothing more then Chaos. But for most of us trapped by a society that teaches our minds to be closed and utilitarian to function correctly in this civilization, we feel time is linear and absolute. What is time to us, a series of events that happen between sunrise and sunset: hours, days, months, years, all based on the sun.
But the real experience of time is in our physical bodies. We are so self centered that time seems linear: I did this then this happened and I did this and this happened, then I saw somebody, then I went here and someone did something to me and I had to do this and etc, etc till bed. I expect that this has something to do with most of us operating on a primitive rule, the rule of animal. That every action performed is to gain pleasure or to prevent pain. There is not one single action that you perform that is not motivated by this rule. Even the most self-sacrificial, Mother Theresa of Saints is governed by this rule.
This usually has me feeling a little existential, because it means that however different all of us are, we are all the same and we can never experience the world outside of the limitations of our chemical emotions or our physiology.
I was considering a story I read about Kurt Vonnegut explaining why people like drama. (I’ll put the link at the bottom) But he draws a story line/graph and illustrates that most people have a life that is right in the middle and waivers up and down between ecstasy and misery. He draws a line that moves through time, a linear line. This seems awfully grim to me. But in this world, if you stand still like most of these football watching, joyless job going, contents, the world is grim. But even in the most mundane situation I see a life through time something like this:
Of coarse this is oversimplified and perhaps just an aerial view of three or four people.
Up and down is not the emotional highs and lows, but instead the encounter with others. Even at the time of conception you have already interfered with someone else’s life, whether you are the fetus or the mother or the father or the family, employer, etc..and then it continues. Time is made of all these things, encounters that lead to events and experiences (at least in the human concept) There is two definitive aspects, the start and end of physical existence here. Birth and death. But everything in between is unpredictable, in/un-graphable, chaos.
In considering birth and death, I can’t help be brought into ideas of religion, of reincarnation, of heaven and hell. In all mythology is some glimmer into a knowledge of a truth, some real meaning to be deciphered. After looking at a number of images captured by the Hubble and contemplating them for some time and seeing unimaginable depths, vastness, objects and materials, I have concluded with absolute certainty that there is a plethora of life beyond Earth. Existence and consciousness is unfathomable and for us to deny possibility of other life just proves our minds feeble, primitive and full of fear. There must be millions of life filled galaxies, older, wiser and more advanced then us. They visit us with nervousness. They know our fear will murder them, they know our fear will murder ourselves.
Perhaps heaven is in essence the transcendence of fear, the fear instilled into us by this civilization. And when we die our energy (everything being made of energy like 1’s and 0’s or on and off, vibrations, heat, the sun, etc) is freed from this Earth and hence transcendence. Could be to a higher consciousness. However, Hell would equate to something like staying still, purgatory, not being reincarnated, burning back into the Earth, back to the ground, not the sky (the Heavens always being a world above). Or perhaps just being dead. In this idea, it might be suggested that returning back to Earth in terms of energy, life cycle, etc. is negative, but I certainly do not think this. The point is that in all the creativity in existence of everything, it must be something a little more complex then just physics and organic chemistry.
I believe that transcendence is found in the inherent innocence that we are all born. Children are born with good moral, it is we as a society, as parents that corrupt with ideas of hatred and fear.
We are all connected and share the subconscious chatter of the Collective Unconscious. Collectively we must try to return to our instilled ability of judgment, which is inherently good, moral, natural. To help rather then to compete, to conserve and respect our resources, to nurture our strengths and collaborate. Without these changes the world will continue to become globalized with bad ideas, money, poverty and synthetic, shallow beliefs.

ReplyDeleteThe ancient texts from India say that "God" creates and destroys the material world over and over again. Makes you wonder what happened before the Big Bang - maybe it was just one of the instances of creation. Many different ancients (from India, and also the Greeks) believed we are evolutionary cyclical as well....both spiritually and materially. Right now man thinks we started out knowing nothing and as time progresses, we get smarter and smarter. It is an egocentric way of thinking - that what is now is the best and most important. I think we are moving away from that nonsense - but we won't see any big difference in this lifetime.
ReplyDeleteCaroline Kastanias Qureshi
It is such a fascinating topic written and passed, mythology to lore, I just wonder where the ancients derived their ideas, perhaps it is just the unfortunate nature of being self aware...I was reading what Buddhists believe about animals and they seem to be regarded seperately and have their own spiritual world separated from us by state of mind but we are related to all animals through time, which seems very Darwin to me...seems like all the myths have the same ideas, perhaps it is the way we arrive to them. I like the idea of all of us being connected like one organism, like if a large group of people die, the people physically (as well as emotionally/energetically) connected to those, also suffer harm. Like the rules of physics, atoms and their components..we should post this on the blog page..
ReplyDeleteBlair Butterfield
I always thought reincarnation was just Darwinism in a spiritual sense. Just as we physically evolved from micro-organisms to humans, I think we also spiritually evolve through reincarnation. I do not think Darwinism goes against the idea of God, but my idea of God is not the typical one.
ReplyDeleteDid you know that reincarnation was part of early Christianity? Constantine (around 300 something ad) decided to fashion christianity into something that better suited his political ambitions and declared the idea of reincarnation heresy. The bible as we know it today is hogwash.
I think that the ancients were more spiritually evolved than we are now, and they were more easily able to tap into the collective consciousness to grasp some of these ideas. The more entrenched we are in ego and the physical senses, the harder it is to get a glimpse of the rest of the universe.
It is amazing to me that more people don't see the common denominator between science and religion (or spirituality). The more I read about discoveries in quantum physics and the universe, the more I am convinced that God does exist, just not in the sense that most people think of him in.
Unfortunately I think it is easier for the vast majority of people to believe in some Father figure up in the sky giving us rules on how to live. It is an easy and neat way of describing existence. It is a childish notion that politicians and religious figures use on the populace to instill fear which enables them to better control society.
Have you seen The Great Year? It is under an hour - if you google it I think you can watch it free online. It is very interesting - talks about the idea that the sun is part of a binary system and that the path of our solar system in the universe is cyclical and influences the spiritual evolvement of man. Check it out.