Quick, think of a good idea and do it. Something profound, something grand, something so simple that it is brilliant and creative and gratifying to all. Write, draw, paint, make or just say something. Everyday seems to pass me by with the urgency to do. It coagulates in my head and builds weight upon my shoulders until something good comes out or if there is no outlet a great deal of unhappiness.
Human time moves so slowly, yet so quickly. I remember as a child telling myself to stop, right here, at this moment and take a mental picture and try to hold on to it forever. This very moment right here, right now. No matter how random of a moment, this is it, this is your life, this is your experience, so stop and look around, open your eyes and remember: the room, the smell, the weather, who you are.
But I can only recall maybe one very clearly. And this may make me a bit sad, as it reveals that the days are composed of these ephemeral experiences that equate to one: your life. So I try to be aware, awake, conscious and present, as much as possible, because before you know it you have kids (which I do) and then your 50th birthday and then your 65 and you wonder where was I, and as I have mentioned before, Thich Nhat Hanh, maybe you were living in another time, perhaps the future, the past, the TV or your mind was possessed with drugs, overwhelming jobs, etc..these things distract you from your life.
But then again, if you do nothing in a day or you accomplish a million chores, is there really a difference?

I have been thinking a lot lately about creativity. I think it is one of the most important and instinctive aspects of humanity. Creativity doesn't have to be just poetry or painting. When Imran modifies his jeep it is his version of creativity. He has a vision of what he wants the jeep to look like or function as, figures out a way to make his vision a reality, and does it. It gives him a sense of accomplishment, and in my mind, is his instinctive way of connecting to that creative moment of the start of existence. Some people would call it God, I personally like to think of it as the big bang, the important point is that at some point there was a moment of creativity that happened a long time ago that either directly lead to humanity or set the groundwork for it. Creativity is out little way of tapping into that energy, whether we individually realize it or not.